What now, DORA?
The European Union's Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is a significant piece of legislation aimed at enhancing the resilience and security of the financial sector against cyber threats and operational disruptions.
Building Resilience in a year of Global Elections
The latest global elections face unprecedented challenges that threaten their integrity and fairness.
The resilience challenge you can’t ignore
WFH is here to stay, it seems: how resilient are your employees’ home offices?
Integrating strategy, risk and resilience
In today’s volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) world, only agile organisations will survive.
Combatting Cybercrime
South Africa has been slipping in many rankings but there is one area in which it keeps up with the First World: cybercrime.
5 Steps to integrating business continuity and cyber resilience
Business’s increasing dependence on digital platforms and data has generated significant efficiencies—but has also spawned a well-resourced cyber-crime industry.
Got Resilience?
Got resilience in what? There are a number of different areas that resilience is particularly pertinent.
Build Resilience
The crisis is far from over, but building resilience into your business is now more important than ever